Below is how we collect and verify our database:

Step 1: We collect data from various sources, some of which are mentioned below

Major trade shows and events

Magazine subscriptions.

Opt-in/opt-out mailers

    B2B portals & White Page Directory

Market Research

National Change of Address (NCOA) & ECOA

Partner Sources

Annual market reports, SEC & Other Public Filings

Country Register/ country courthouse

Chamber of commerce

Conferences and Webinars

Online Surveys & Yellow Pages

Telephone Surveys

Government Listings & Records

Online/Offline Publishing Contributors

Business/Trade Magazine Subscriptions

Step 1: We collect data from various sources, some of which are mentioned below

Step 2:

After this data is email verified where we give them an option to opt for particular product/service used. It is a kind of survey template wherein they must tick – subscribe/unsubscribe the application types without mentioning anything.

Step 3

In this process each contact is Tele-verified to make sure the list is in line with the Application used by these prospects. This process is called Tele-opt-in

Step 4

The list is verified every quarter to make sure that each contact is up to date.